Our customers provide us with a discretionary mandate to manage their Sidekick investment portfolios. This includes deciding which companies we should invest in on behalf of our customers. Our Investment Strategy is underpinned by fundamental research about the companies in which we invest – we do this so you don’t have to!
We aim to develop a deep understanding of our investee companies and focus on many different aspects of the company including (but not limited to) their strategy; financial and non-financial performance; an objective assessment of company valuations; capital structure; risk management; and their environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments.
We believe that the long-term success of companies is supported by effective investor stewardship, high standards of corporate governance and transparent engagement policies. Sidekick’s approach is ultimately informed by the UK rules which implemented the Shareholder Rights Directive (SRD II) which applies to discretionary investment managers. The aim of SRD II is to strengthen the position of shareholders and encourage long-term engagement.
This is how we currently engage with the companies in which we invest:
Ongoing monitoring
This will typically be carried out by digesting any and all published materials, research published by reputable industry analysts and attending regular performance updates/earnings calls
Voting and other rights
At the current time, we exercise all voting or other rights on behalf of our customers.
Cooperation with other shareholders
At the current time, we do not collaborate with other shareholder groups.
Communication with relevant stakeholders
Given Sidekick’s size, communication with other stakeholders of our investee companies is extremely limited and therefore unlikely to result in a meaningful impact. As such, our current policy is not to do so.
Conflicts of Interest
We are required to maintain a policy for managing any actual or potential conflicts which might arise. This can be found on our website here.
Sidekick is a newly authorised firm – as such, this represents our shareholder engagement policy for the short term only. Our approach will be kept under review and we will publish an updated version of this policy in the near future.